Thursday, May 14, 2009

The 333 Best Pop Songs of the 2000s: #115

#115: "No One Knows" (2007) - Mark Bronson featuring Domino

For the third* time in this chart, Mark Ronson covers a song by flipping it onto its funky side. Ronson and this this-time-only cohorts Domino take the Queens of the Stone Age song and strip it of its metal. They change the rock riffs into bursts of horn, they change the drums from heavy on the toms to heavy on the hi-hat, and they take Homme's pedestrian vocals and replace them with Domino Kirke's sultry come-ons. By doing all this, Ronson and Domino change a head-banging anthem with its menacing undercurrent into a dance track of the highest order, something akin to what Otis Redding did with the Beatles' "Day Tripper"...except (and I can't believe I'm about to say this, being the humongous Otis fan I am) their cover is better than Otis's cover.

'Cause Otis's drummer never quite brought the funk like this.**

*The other two times (plus a third for a co-producer credit) can be found here.

**I'll fully admit, though, that this drumming could be sampled, but if so, it's not from any Otis track (probably from a James Brown track).

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