Today is Black Friday. What does that mean? Five a.m. trips to Wal-Mart or Best Buy or Toys r' Us? Now, you heatherens! Black Friday represents the day Jesus Christ died on the cross. Yeah, that's, uh, celebrated in April, but still, if someone's going to designate this day as Black Friday, then we should have to honor some dead person, and what better dead person than Wilson Pickett. Why him? 'Cause he was buried in my backyard. At least yesterday he was. This morning, before I brave the hordes of noxious shoppers at Wal-Mart, I'm going to visit that grave. Why? The same reason that Tim Krekel does. Who's Tim Krekel?
Tim Krekel's a Louisville, KY musician, and for years he's been playing an updated version of Myrtle Beach music, his own blue-eyed soul, and he's never played a more affecting and effective song than this one, where he walks outside and sees the Wilson Pickett funeral procession (which is not bad for a band name) in his back yard. Later, after the mourners have gone to shop for their early Christmas doorbuster sales, Krekel visits Pickett's grave, and he's filled with the Wicked One's spirit, and Krekel then lets that spirit infuse this humorous and (if you let your mind open to wander) deeply moving song, with a band (Krekel's so-called orchestra) that sounds as good--if not better--than the Memphis Horns or the Muscle Shoals musicians ever did, and one could actually imagine Pickett feeling right at home here, as this is his type of song.
So, if you're ever feeling down, or you've got those Black Friday blues, then just step out into your back yard, and visit Wilson Pickett's grave for a moment, and let Mr. Krekel, wit his stinging guitar fills (that sound just as vivifying as Duane Allman's did in Pickett's version of "Hey Jude") and his orchestra, with their soul-stirring harmonies, fill you with their sweet soul music. Don't fight it--just let the feeling wash right over you.
You can get that feeling now by listening to the song here.