Friday, February 6, 2009

The 333 Best Pop Songs of the 2000s: #184

#184: "Hash Pipe" (2001) - Weezer

The power pop-rock group of the past eleven years, Weezer turn up the guitar amps on this one, as Cuomo and company try their best to give us their version of a Kiss cock-rock anthem, and they succeed, as "Hash Pipe" comes across like "Lick It Up" with more imaginative yet sillier lyrics about (I think, though I'm not sure, as Cuomo's lyrics are often inscrutable) drugs and transvestite prostitutes (there's precedence from Kiss, though--go listen to "Black Diamond").

Cuomo could have sung the ingredients from the back of a cereal box, and this would still be a great, stupid, head-banging rock song. Some time the world needs stupid rock songs, and Weezer is here to oblige.

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