Monday, November 10, 2008

The 333 Best Pop Songs of the 2000s: #248

#248: "Ruby" (2003) - Troy Campbell

At first listen, "Ruby" doesn't seem to offer too much for repeated listening: its production is minimal, the instrumentation isn't noteworthy, and the playing cards metaphor doesn't completely work. Yeah, it's a pretty melody, and Campbell--Austin troubadour who's been touring with bands and by himself for over a decade without a hint of success--sings it, uh, prettily (as does, background singr Emily Gilkyson), but a cursory listen might only lead one to think this as Texas elevator music. Then, about two-thirds through this wisp of a waltz, magic strikes as Campell and Gilksyon harmonize as they croon a cattle call, Tex Ritter style, and bring a bit of Western to the waltz, and when's the last time one heard that in a pop song?

You can listen to it here.

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